Friday, June 18, 2010

Where has the time gone??

Our little Elijah is 6 months old{ he is actually 7 months old now but in these pics hes 6 months!}
Ms. Sally Watts took this picture of Eli! She is so talented!
Eli now does alot of things... sleeping with mommy after she get me from my crib for my night feeding. Can you tell Rylie never outgrew that! {workin' on it though} bouncing in his jumperoo while his sisters dress him like Mickey Mouse!! We cant watch the Dream Along with Mickey show without those! mastering sitting all alone!!! Way to go buddy! eating Stage 2 Baby food. Can you guess what hes eating on this particular day??

...and wearing daddys glasses on his head when we go to the park!!!

Elijah has grown so much and we love our little chunky baby to pieces! Speaking of chunky,Mr Eli now weighs in at 19lbs 6 oz and 26 3/4 inches long. He is all caught up developmentally and does alot of things but not as many as his sister Rylie did at his age! I have been told boys go a little slower at these kinds of things! :)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

We are back...look for an update tomorrow!!

disney vacation
mom visits
sc aquarium
Danielle's 7th birthday
Elijah turns 6months
Rylie turns 3


DiSnEy VaCAtIoN and other spring fun!!

So here is what we have been up to the last few months:
(Waring: its all backwards due to Blogger uploading the pics in a crazy order!)

In April when my mom visited from Cali we all visited the Aquarium... This was Rylies Favorite part!
My mom and Eli!
Easter morning...ready for church!

Dying Easter eggs the night before Easter!!
My aunt came over with her room mate and they all had a great time! I think we may have dyed at least 3 dozen eggs! LOL

This is what the Easter bunny left us!!

In February we went to....DiSnEy!!!
For our Family vacation this year we went to Disney World and we kinda celebrated Danielle's Birthday there as well! She got a lot of special treatment while we were there! Boy, as if being a princess werent enough, she was addressed by every castmember with "Happy Birthday Princess Danielle!" Plus she got to do the BIPIDEE BOPIDEE BOUTIQUE as a birthday present from her grammy! We continued to celebrate Miss Danielle by having a birthday party for her when we got back. It was LPS and it turned out very cute!!

This is the homemade cake i made for Danielle on her "real" birthday! It turned out ok but I am certainly no cake decorator!! ;) All in alll we celebrated Danielle for about 2 months! It was crazy silly!! But she loved it!!

In February we went to Disney World! The kids and Mommy and Daddy had a BLAST! Here are a few pics. More to come!

Hope you enjoyed our spring as much as we did! Thanks for following us! Stay tuned for Rylie

s 3rd birthday and our trip to California!!

love Jacki