On an earlier post I mentioned I would share the definition of love as given by the family pastor at our church.The Marriage Foundations class is the perfect place to share it! A room full of couples who either want to experience real love with their mate and God or who want to be reminded of how to show that love and be able to receive that love from each other and God. So since now is the first time I have been cohering enough to think since my surgery, here it goes.....
"LOVE: Love is the opening of yourself and bringing someone else into your world for their benefit."
One example of this is from the Almighty, Father God. John 3:16 is a PERFECT example of this.
God so LOVED us that he (opened himself and brought us in through his son Jesus)that he gave His one and only son(for our benefit) so we would not die but have ETERNAL life with HIM! WOW!! If this is How God expects us to love someone I don't know about you, but I know I have a little bit of work to do in the area of loving people.
So my goal for the next 10 weeks is to work on showing this kind of love to my husband and all others I claim to love! Obviously this is not something you would only do for 10 weeks. But to acknowledge that God loves you this way and calls us to love others this way makes me want to learn more about it! It makes me want to share more about it!
Have a blessed day!