My precious Danielle finally lost her very first baby tooth today while she was at school! Her teacher said that she did fine. No crying or freaking out or anything! She was just eating her lunch and then she calmly got her teachers attention and said"Um Mrs. Lott, I think my tooth fell out!"
They quickly gathered it up and put it in a ziplock bag and saved it for us. When we picked her up from school Kevin noticed first that she had lost it. And when I saw it I have to admit I almost cried. My baby girl was growing up and had crossed over to childhood. Shes not a toddler anymore!
Anyway, when Danielle got in the car this is what conversation took place:
Danielle: "What does the tooth fairy bring you for your tooth?"
Daddy: " He brings you money."
Danielle: " Daddy...the tooth fairy is a girl and I want jewelry."
Daddy & Mommy: "(laughing hysterically) That's our Danielle!"
Well I think I texted you all with the news so here are the pics from when we got home!
Her first "cheeeese" picture with 1 missing tooth!
A close up(kinda gross) but you can see her big girl tooth really good!Look mommy, I am holding my own tooth! I think it kinda grossed her out.
The famous tooth...waiting for the tooth fairy to come pick it up!
We hope you enjoy! Have an awesome evening!
Kevin and Jacki
that is awesome news about her tooth. Good going Danielle.
yay! so did she get money or jewelry? :) WOW...Andrew just turned 7 last week and still hasn't lost a tooth (although he has a loose one with the permanent one behind it so...anyday now!)
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