Friday, October 29, 2010

Fall Festivities, Pumpkins and Princesses...

...and a sweet prince who is such a blessing!

To say we have been busy would be an understatement. :) We are CRAZY busy and I admit at some point I would like for the busyness to stop. Don't get me wrong, it's a good, fun busy. But I realized something in my quiet time recently that has me wondering.....if i am so busy all the time and have all these activities and errands to run all the time, how am I showing my kids that I cherish them. How about my husband and even Father God??

So my goal for November is to slow down. Spend more time in my PJ's with my kids and my hubby. Worship Him more. Pray more. Eat more table meals together. Enjoy Gods creations more. Love Him more. Teach the kids about His love more. Plant more seeds. How about you? Whats your goal for November??

Well since we were busy this the way, where did October go?? Here are some pictures of our busyness:

So here's the list of many of the things we did this month:
1. Elijah turns 11 months
2. Barnyard Bash at Danielle's school
3. Park Day with Gumma and Poppop and new wagon!!
4. Disney Princesses on Ice-mommy took all 3 kiddos by herself! Go mommy! :)
5. Boone Hall Pumpkin Patch w/ daddy this year( Kevin has only been to the pumpkin patch 1 time other then this year due to his work schedule! This is exciting!)

There were many other slightly unimportant things but we didn't get pictures and it would make this post even LONGER!! LOL
Hope you enjoy!
Be Blessed,

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