Thursday, December 30, 2010

~*~Christmas Blessings~*~

Whew...where has this month gone to?? Shoot, what about this year??

It seems the older I get the quicker the time goes by.

Anyway, here in the Smith household we were probably like any other family this holiday season...CrAzy BuSy! I vowed that I wouldnt let it be that way but alas, it seems thats always the case. We are Blessed though. We have family, friends, church family and neighbors who love us and pray for us. I would have to say that that is and has been the BEST gift we have recieved this year!

I know, I know...very cliche. But for real, prayer has brought us through some serious things this year. Since my family is by far the most important next to God, I couldnt think of a gift more appropriate then that all year long to protect us from harm. :)

Speaking of gifts..material ones that is: Our children were abundantly blessed. Every year we say we arent gonna be buying much because the family does so joyfully, but again thats hardly ever the case. Danielle spent the holidays in California with her grandparents and aunts/uncles. She had a BLAST!!! But she also got the ONE thing (and many many other things) she has really really really really wanted for Christmas: An American Doll! The girl has more clothes the I have for my real baby! Hahaha

Rylie got a bike! Watch out world the child is a natural! She could ride that thing all day and NEVER legs remind of my lack of exercise and she reminds me that in order to keep up with her and her new bike I need to exercise! Funny girl I tell ya!

Elijah..sweet baby eli. His fav thing...hhhmmm. I think I would have to say the wrapping paper everything was wrapped in. He played more with that then any toy he was given. But coming in a close second was his Chuck trucks and cars. Definetly a must have for little guys and with no small parts or metal pieces it makes me a happy mama too...having a boy is waaaayy different. I{heart} my boy! :)

Kevin & Jacki: 1. A bill from MUSC totaling 10450.00 for outpatient treatment for Danielle with a copy of our account statement attched reading "PAID IN FULL-0 BALANCE-MERRY CHRISTMAS! MUSC Billing :) Praise God! He is always providing.

2. My dream minivan- a new Honda Odessey with ALL of the bells and whistles. My fav: heated leather seats...aaahhh!

Family: Baby Jesus...The Ultimate Gift!

We hope everyone had a blessed Chirstmas and a safe and happy new year 2011!!

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