My family, as most of you know, is my life. Everything I do is for them. With Thanksgiving coming up I have been doing a lot of studying in the Bible about what family looks like in God Eyes. Since I never grew up in a "Christian Family", I stumbled upon faith by accident. Well, I am sure it was no accident. God had a plan for me, this much I do know. However, Kevin was raised in his faith and knew all along about what Gods Plan for family was. Lately we have been talking alot about what he knows about it and what we want to know about it. We have discovered that there is a lot about family that we dont know. We wanted to go to the Family Driven Faith confrence in September but we were all sick. We felt like this would have answered a lot of our questions and helped us realize what Gods Will is for our family. Since we werent able to attend we decided that we are going to rewatch the visionary parenting and redo all of the worksheets that accompany the DVDs. We hope to find what we are looking for.
Part of me thinks that we are missing out on a lot that God has planned for us and the other part of me wonders why when I pray for a peace and an understanding of what is happening in my family He hasnt fully answered my prayers. I know He has been giving us the strength that we need to get through what we are going through, but what about that understanding. Maybe the best is yet to come...if I always knew what ws to come life would not be fun! So for now I will continue to read and study Deuteronomy 6. This has answered a lot of questions that I have. My girls seem to love it too. Danielle has asked me to find it in her Childrens Bible so we can read it at bedtime. It makes me smile inside to know my children already know about a book that I knew nothing about and like to hear the stories inside of it.
5 Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. 6 These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. 7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 8 Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 9 Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.
Deuteronomy 6:5-9 NIV
These are my favorite verses from that reading. I think that He is trying to show me one part of being a parent. Showing them unconditional love as He shows us. I dont know though.
Well here is the family update: We are all doing pretty well. Danielle has had some bad days this week with anxiety. Rylie has been wheezing a lot lately. We think that her behavior is a result of that. And so does her pediatrician. So thats about the only bad news I have to report. Good news is that I am doing better and so is Kevin. His job is allowing overtime right now so he is working his day off to earn some extra money for the hoildays. Then hopefully we will be going to get our Christmas pics taken today! (appt pending)
I wanted to post some pics of the kids. They are getting so big! So enjoy....
She has learned how to climb on the oven door....totally not safe. We love hanging out on the hammock in the back yard while Kevin is grilling our dinner!
Ther's my girl Danielle! Cute as can be!
So off to love on my children....
1 comment:
It is wonderful to hear how much you are seeking the Lord. We have the family driven faith on CD and would be glad if you would like to have it. Thinking of you and your beautiful family!
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