Saturday, February 26, 2011

"Teaching Moment" Love,God

"Faith makes things in life possible not easy."

I kinda stole this from one of my friends FB status' because I feel like this is exactly what I have been dealing with lately. WE(the family) are still battling illness after illness after illness. IT IS CRAZY!

I know everyone, including my pediatrician has been saying its been " ...a bad cold and Flu season. You aren't the only family I promise." But really??? 5 weeks of it in a row! Yea Im struggling with what in the world is going on and why is this happening to my could I not be?? As if being a wife, mother(and all other sub titles this includes), friend, daughter, niece are not hard enough on ONE individual add in on top of that the business of life and ILLNESS!!

So, because I am learning, and God is teaching(love HIM), that my WORDS are supposed to be LIFE -GIVING and not LIFE-TAKING I have to be "careful" of how I talk about whats going on because I tend to be more negative about things that dont go my way. Nobody particularly "likes" being sick. But instead of pulling EVERY negative out of it I am working on praising God that this cold and flu season has actually given me and the kids more "home time". More time with God. More time with each other. Our life schedule isnt taking precedence over our family time. Maybe thats what God has been trying to show us. Maybe there is a method to HIS madness!! Haha! :) Having faith means ANYTHING is possible with HIM, but Jesus said there will be trouble in this life. So I am choosing, in this time of absolute insanity, to choose HIM. Choose to have faith that I can get through this even if its not easy. God is in the hard stuff too and thank goodness He is. This past 5 weeks has shown me some things in ME that I am not proud im choosing faith. Because I CAN do anything through Christ who give me strength. Phil 4:13 even if its not easy!


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Family on the mend???

Ok just a warning this post will be boring and gross.....consider yourselves warned! :)

3 weeks ago this family was happy, healthy and BLESSED!! However some things have changed in the last 3 weeks...

First, we are still INCREDIBLY BLESSED with friends that love us and pray for us daily! We want to thank them from the bottom of our hearts!! Thank you thank you thank you!!!!! Beyond that though we are not happy or healthy...:(

About 3 weeks ago we all slowly came down with a stomach bug. :( It made its way around the whole family and when it got to the mama it put her in the hospital. We later found out it was something much more serious. Apparently I caught the bug and got food poisoning all in one day! SCORE!! 3 days in the hospital stunk, but 18 bags of fluid and some of them with Potassium since my levels were low, and some nausea meds and I was a new woman!! :)

That was until tummy bug #2 made its rounds and all 3 kids got sick AGAIN!!! Yep, its true. Round two was much worse then round one for the kids. They ended up in the ER with IV's and Iv 3am!

Finally just when we think we are in the clear and home free we wake up in the middle of the night to Mr Eli wheezing like his champion wheezing sister Rylie! The next morning it was confirmed that Mr Eli has RSV. So onto the 2nd bottle of Motrin and the 2nd bottle of Tylenol and the steroids, breathing treatments and steam showers....Fun! (note my sarcasm)

So without going into much more detail I have now completed 18 loads of laundry, gone through 2 bottles of Clorox wipes, 1 can of Lysol and half of a container of bleach so that HOPEFULLY and PRAYERFULLY we can be DONE with all of this mess and enjoy the spring! :)

On a side though, there was a small period of time when we were well. So we had a little photo shoot done with! They really caught Rylies personality well! :) Here is a sneek peek. I will upload the rest later..Enjoy!

Hoping you have been well,