Thursday, December 11, 2008

The pictures I promised...a little late. Sorry!

Okay so the last few days have been ridiculous! I have no idea how it is already Friday tomorrow. The kids have been home until today. Danielle has finally decided to go back to school. I think she went originally to appease me but then when I picked her up the teacher said she had a great day! I have to sometimes wonder weather the teacher just tells me what I want to hear or if she tells me the whole truth about Danielle's day! Well I guess right now the more positive things coming my way the better!

Anyway, although Danielle has had 3 rages in the past 3 days and has required restraining on 2 of the three and passed out again on the second time she raged. I wasn't nearly as panicked this time but it was scary. Her medication was raised again about a week ago and we think this is the reason that she passed out again. I just hope that now that her medication has been lowered to the original dose that she wont do that again. Other then that she is doing better. The news we heard is still hard to deal with but we have to keep living. We have been praying through it the best that we can. The new church that we go to has been a saving grace for us. We just need to make ourselves go weather we feel like it or not. Sometimes the depression just gets to us and we are paralyzed by it but I think if we pray through every time and never give into the enemy he will realize that we are not up for his nonsense and that we are protected by the Armor of God!

And now without further a do.....The pictures that were promised over a week ago:

This is right outside our hotel room, and I thought it was so cute that they were sitting there so nice!

Danielle roasting marshmallows for a good old fashioned S'more!

The family minus me at JICP Festival of Lights!

Rylie with her "g-mama"
One of very few pictures where Rylie is actually looking at the camera!

A family pic at the Lights

The big body bubble maker at the Childrens Museum
Rylie loved this huge Lite Brite at the childrens museumTaa-Daaa!

Rylie loved the sand in the archaeological dig exibit

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